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IBM Snap Log 받기

category OS/AIX 2019. 9. 27. 13:22



시스템 운영도중 문제발생에 대한 분석을 위해 기본적으로 필요한 데이터를 수집하기 위해 Snap을 받도록 한다.
유형별 문제에 따라 Snap은 여러 가지 Flag로 받을 수 있다.
아래는 일반적으로 모든Snap 정보(Dump포함)를 받아 분석의뢰까지 진행하는 방법이다. 


1) S/W 문제해결을 위해 기본적으로 필요한 데이터
1. 일반적인 이슈: snap -gc
2. TCIPIP : snap -gtc 
3. LVM : snap -gfLc 
4. HACMP : snap -ec 
5. DUMP : snap -ac 
6. GPFS : gpfs.snap (예외적으로/tmp/gpfs.snapOut/all.xxxx.tar 형태로 생성됨)
#snap –ac –d /user_filesystem/ibmsupt ==> 특정한 디렉토리 지정 일반적으로 /tmp/ibmsupt에 저장됨
2)  H/W 문제해결을 위해 기본적으로 필요한 데이터
1. snap -gc 
2. HMC iqyylog(or pedbg) - IBM엔지니어가gathering
3. HMC FSPdump - IBM엔지니어가gathering 



# snap -ac
Checking space requirement for general information............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ done.
Checking space requirement for tcpip information....

WARNING: Command 'netstat' is hanging due to an unresponsive server.
This will affect the filesystem requirement calculation and invalidate it.
If 'snap' fails due to lack of space it is due to this problem.

................................................... done.
Checking space requirement for kernel information............... done.
Checking space requirement for printer information.... done.
Checking space requirement for dump information.......Checking space requirement for sna information.../var/sna not found
Checking space requirement for filesys information......................... done.
Checking space requirement for async information................ done.
Checking space requirement for lang information.......... done.
Checking space requirement for XS25 information.................................................................................................done.
Log directory set to /tmp/ibmsupt/ctsupt
Gathering information......
Starting tar/compress process......
Checking space requirement for install information... done.
Checking space requirement for ssa information.......... done.
Checking space requirement for logical volume manager information.........VGs...PVs... done.
Checking space requirement for multicpu  trace files
/var/adm/ras/trcfile: No such file or directory
Checking space requirement for platform/scanout information.done.
Checking space requirement for wpars information. done.
Checking space requirement for flash information.... done.
********Checking and initializing directory structure
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/svCollect directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/lsvirt directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/poolfs directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/client_collect directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/vfc_client_collect directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/getRtasHeap directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/nfs directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/dumpdata directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/artex directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/caa directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/async directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/dump directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/dump/autoload directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/filesys directory tree... done.
Directory /tmp/ibmsupt/general already exists... skipping
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/kernel directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/lang directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/printer directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/XS25 directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/sna directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/tcpip directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/install directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/ssa directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/scraid directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/lvm directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/wlm directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/wpars directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/hacmp directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/pcixscsi directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/sissas directory tree... done.
Directory /tmp/ibmsupt/ctsupt already exists... skipping
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/products directory tree... done.
Directory /tmp/ibmsupt/flash already exists... skipping
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/IB directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/testcase directory tree... done.
Creating /tmp/ibmsupt/other directory tree... done.
********Finished setting up directory /tmp/ibmsupt

Checking Space requirement for client_collect
Checking Space requirement for vfc_client_collect
Checking Space requirement for getRtasHeap
Checking Space requirement for nfs
Checking Space requirement for dumpdata
Checking Space requirement for artex
Checking Space requirement for caa
Checking Space requirement for svCollect
Checking Space requirement for lsvirt
Checking Space requirement for poolfs
Checking for enough free space in filesystem... done.

Gathering general system information............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ done.
Including Pd* ODM files in general information............ done.
Including security files in general information.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. done.
Gathering tcpip system information........................................................ done.
Gathering kernel system information................ done.
Gathering printer system information.... done.
Gathering dump system information.......Gathering sna system information.../var/sna not found
Gathering filesys system information......................... done.
Gathering async system information................. done.
Gathering lang system information.......... done.
Gathering XS25 system information.................................................................................................

For all of the information below put this data in /tmp/ibmsupt/other

Please obtain all X.25 frame and packet layer configuration settings
for DCE [i.e. system the workstation is connected to]. This cannot
be done by snap. Contact your X.25 administrator for assistance.

Provide a copy of the Network Subscription.
   NOTE:This is a document [usually 1 or 2 pages in length] that
   describes exactly what the customer has purchased from the
   Network Provider.  Network Providers are companies such as
   Telenet, Tymnet, GTE, etc..

If you are participating in a Beta test program then please make that
clear in the file sent with the traces.

NOTE:  You should collect the X.25 traces as follows:

           A. Start the trace
           B. Recreate the Problem
           C. Stop the trace
           D. Gather the trace data


      # errclear 0

     # x25mon -fpct -n port_name > /tmp/ibmsupt/other/x25mon.port_name 1 &
            where port_name is the name of the x25 port [eg. sx25a1]
            Run one for each port in question

      # trace -a -T 500000 -L 10000000 -j 25C,329,32A,32B,32C,33B,33C,41F,2D8,41E,29F,3A9,3AA,3AB
         Note:  If there is a a significant amount of X.25 data traffic
           the -T and -L values may need to be increased.

  echo  Hookid values:
  echo  25C SX25_PKT
  echo  329 SX25_IF
  echo  32A SX25_NPI
  echo  32B SX25_ETC
  echo  32C SX25_PAD
  echo  33B SX25_COMIO
  echo  33C SX25_TWD
  echo  41F SX25_PERF
  echo  2D8 SX25_FRM
  echo  41E SX25_HDLC
  echo  29F ddricio
  echo  3A9 dpmpdd
  echo  3AA dpmpdd
  echo  3AB dpmpdd

  echo  It might be that when working a problem with AIX support, a
  echo  subset of these trace hooks is asked for.

     #  ps -e |grep x25mon
     #  kill -9 

  # sx25debug -b # | tee /tmp/ibmsupt/other/sx25debug.board#
    where # is the board to be traced

    The following is a set of instructions on how to
    collect the data that you have just gathered.

  CREATE A FILE /tmp/ibmsupt/other/README.PROBLEM that
          a) describes the problem in detail
             What happens?
             What do you expect to happen?
             What are the steps to recreate the problem?
          b) lists customer & SE/support contacts with phone numbers
          c) describes your network - a diagram from DTE to DCE
          d) lists non-IBM X.25 applications running & who to contact
             for technical support

      # errpt -a > /tmp/ibmsupt/other/errlog


Log directory set to /tmp/ibmsupt/ctsupt
Gathering information......
Starting tar/compress process......
Gathering install system information.... done.
Gathering ssa system information.......... done.
Gathering logical volume manager information.........VGs.................PVs... done.
Gathering multicpu trace files/var/adm/ras/trcfile: No such file or directory
Gathering platform/scanout information.done.
Gathering wpars system information. done.
Gathering flash system information.... done.
Gathering client_collect data
Gathering vfc_client_collect data
Gathering getRtasHeap data
Gathering nfs data
Gathering dumpdata data
Gathering artex data
Gathering caa data
Gathering svCollect data
Gathering lsvirt data
Gathering poolfs data
Gathering pcixscsi system information....... done.
Gathering sissas system information....................................................................... done.
Gathering IB system information..............................done.

Creating compressed pax file...
Starting pax/compress process... Please wait... done.

-rw-------    1 0        1          66711932 Aug 22 14:44 snap.pax.Z

 cd ibmsupt
# ls
IB                  dump                install             pcixscsi            sna                 wlm
XS25                dumpdata            kernel              poolfs              snap.pax.Z          wpars
artex               filesys             lang                printer             ssa
async               flash               lsvirt              products            svCollect
caa                 general             lvm                 scraid              tcpip
client_collect      getRtasHeap         nfs                 script.log          testcase
ctsupt              hacmp               other               sissas              vfc_client_collect
# ls -alrt
total 130384
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:39 testcase
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:39 scraid
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:39 products
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:39 other
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:39 hacmp
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:39 dumpdata
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:39 artex
drwx------   12 root     staff          8192 Aug 22 14:39 general
drwx------    2 root     staff          4096 Aug 22 14:41 tcpip
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:41 kernel
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:41 printer
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:41 sna
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:41 filesys
drwx------    3 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:41 dump
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:41 lang
drwx------    2 root     staff          4096 Aug 22 14:41 async
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:41 XS25
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:42 install
drwx------    2 root     staff          4096 Aug 22 14:42 ctsupt
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:42 ssa
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:42 wpars
drwx------    5 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:42 wlm
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:42 vfc_client_collect
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:42 lvm
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:42 flash
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:42 client_collect
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:42 nfs
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:42 getRtasHeap
drwx------    3 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:42 caa
drwx------   12 root     staff          4096 Aug 22 14:43 svCollect
-rw-------    1 root     staff           609 Aug 22 14:43 script.log
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:43 lsvirt
drwx------    3 root     staff          4096 Aug 22 14:43 poolfs
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:43 sissas
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:43 pcixscsi
drwx------    2 root     staff           256 Aug 22 14:43 IB
drwx------   37 root     staff          4096 Aug 22 14:44 .
-rw-------    1 root     staff      66711932 Aug 22 14:44 snap.pax.Z
drwxrwxrwt   13 bin      bin            4096 Aug 22 14:55 ..



- END -

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